Creatively encountering the divine together.
Worship is at 10:15, both online & in-person.
What is worship about?
It’s always evolving, just like our ideas and experiences of God.
Worship is about experimentation. It is messy, and creative, and peculiar. We aren’t interested in doing things the way they’ve always been done.
Worship is about connecting with the divine, celebrating one another, and being empowered to care for our community.
Worship is about music, both traditional and contemporary, about conversation and videos, about hugging (and saying hello from respectful distances!), about prayer and meditation and kindness.
Worship is about many people exploring, leading and participating.
On the first Sunday of every month, we celebrate communion. This is the ancient bread and wine tradition that is deeply connected to the life and experience of Jesus Christ. Everyone — and we mean everyone — is welcome to be a part of communion.
After church, we also like to put the coffee on and invite everyone to share “coffee and what nots” downstairs.
“We are progressive thinkers.
We are relaxed.
We are open to all.
We dress casual.
Actually casual, not going in to work on a Friday casual.
We sing.
Sometimes we dance.
We laugh.
A lot.
Sometimes we cry.
We are encouraged.
We are nourished.
We are comforted.
We are challenged.”
“I can worship at Kimbourne while holding onto my traditional Maliseet native spirituality. Within 5 minutes, I knew that Kimbourne was where both me and my daughter would stay.”
— Renee Pelletier
Kimbourne Park is a mask-friendly space. Masking is optional, and all are welcome to participate as they feel comfortable.
Check this out for details on the specific of worship.
It should take about 5 minutes to read.