A spirituality that strives for justice and radical inclusivity.
We’re fresh
People say, “you never know what to expect.” Rooted in Christian tradition, we’re relevant and present to what’s going on in life. As we weave music, video and image to stir the imagination, the experience is contemporary.
We’re upbeat
Our message is simple: “You are not alone.” We believe that God loves you, just as you are. We are upbeat — not beat up. We celebrate and affirm one another, and believe in the power of hope and joy.
We’re kid-friendly
Our kids are active and that’s OK here. We remind parents that the children are welcome to wander. You can relax during services, keeping an eye on your little one in our designated play area, right in the Sanctuary.
We’re accessible
It's important for us to be accessible to all. Our building's accessible entrance leads to an elevator and the accessible washroom. And parents with strollers love our accessible entrance, too! Please let us know if there are ways we can help you feel welcome here.
We’re engaged
We believe that we are called to work together to feed God’s people: body, mind and spirit. With our partners, we work to ensure that everyone has access to good food, education, and fulfilling spiritual community. We believe in a better world.
We’re affirming
Believer or not, straight, gay, bisexual, asexual, transgender or questioning, you are welcome and celebrated here. We are young, old and in between. Some are single, married, poly, or divorced. We are multicultural. We are not alone. There is room for all.
“When I was growing up, church was a very somber thing. You come into Kimbourne Park and people are laughing, and during the songs people are playing tambourines and beating on drums… It’s a bit crazy here.”
— Pat Tohill
You can learn more about worshipping with us here. It’ll probably take 3-4 minutes to read.