Puzzled about what you should do during church services?


What happens when I arrive?

We suggest newcomers enter through the front red door; someone will greet you in the gathering areas and offer you a bulletin with the order of service in it. You will find hymnbooks on a table in the foyer.


What are services like?

Not preachy. Not judgy. Just comfortable. Dress as you like and enjoy the upbeat worship, spiritual videos, and compelling sermons.


Where are the washrooms?

Three public unisex washrooms are found in the church basement - a single-person bathroom at the end of the back hall and one in the Jessie Scott Room, and a larger accessible washroom with diaper-changing facilities and an additional, kid-sized toilet to the side of the large church hall.


How long are services?

Most church services are 60 minutes, or a little longer if communion is involved. If you need to leave during a service, no one will complain if you slip out.

Where do I sit?

You can sit where you would like: front, middle or back.


What about when the service is over?

After the Sunday morning services, tea, coffee, juice and of course cookies are served in the church hall. “Just follow the crowds!”


Standing? Sitting? Singing?

If you are not sure what to do, just follow everyone else or, if you prefer, you can just remain seated throughout the service.

You are under no obligation to join in any of the singing or even to like the music. We know we don't all have the same musical tastes and we don't expect you to, either.


Do I have to give money?

Don't feel embarrassed to pass the collection plate to the next person without putting anything in it. Many people contribute time and skill, and some who contribute financially do so directly through their bank accounts. You won't be the only one just passing the plate on.

If you do wish to contribute an offering, you can use the envelopes in the pews indicating your name and address so we can issue a tax receipt to you.


What if I'm bringing children?

If you have children, they are welcome to sit with you or to go play in the Children’s Area at the front-left of the sanctuary.

Kids are also welcome to join us for Messy Church, an evening of crafts, music, dinner and fun.


I really enjoy the feeling of belonging and community within the building, and the support I feel from the community at Kimbourne Park.

We are able to welcome anyone and everyone through our building door, no matter what walk of life you have been on, or where you are at in that moment

. It makes me really proud.”

— Ketri


Do you have kids? Want to learn about the opportunities available for them?