We are pleased to welcome our new minister Rev. Emma Pipes to the team at Kimbourne Park.

“Hello community members and friends of Kimbourne Park United Church. My name is Emma Pipes and I am the new minister serving here. I am excited to begin this ministry and I look forward to meeting you soon. Please check out this video so you can get to know me too! 

Peace, Emma “

I'm looking to worship

Kimbourne Park is a small community of faith, linked to its past, radically progressive in its theology, and daring in its visions of the future. We are upbeat and hopeful. Come and explore your spiritual journey with us. Come, be part of our change and new growth.

I want to hold an event

We offer spaces large and small for your meetings, programs and events. Whether you're planning a small meeting or a concert for 250 people, we'll be glad to accommodate you. Check out our event spaces and call our office administrator Megan to book your event.

I want to stay informed

We believe in feeding God’s people: body, mind and spirit. If you're already a follower of our congregation, stay current on announcements, programs and events, and see what's happening at Kimbourne Park on our calendar. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Upcoming Events

Join us as we work together to feed our community: body, mind and spirit.

Worship services, and many other events, can be accessed either online or by phone.